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Node RPC

Ensure your dapp's performance with enterprise-grade RPC access that scales unnoticeably, ensuring low-latency and high-availability across multiple regions.

Tenderly's enterprise-grade Node RPC architecture with multi-region support and custom RPC method integration
Tenderly Node RPC architecture with multi-region support and custom RPC method integration

Using Node RPC:

Integrate Tenderly Node RPC for low-latency, high-reliability, multi-region blockchain infrastructure that scales with your dapp usage.

  • Rely on 100% consistent data and uninterrupted access even with spiking usage.
  • Use tenderly_ RPC methods for simulations, 100% accurate gas estimation, tracing, and more directly from your dapps.
  • Integrate tenderly_gasPrice to get prediction of gas price for the next block, at 3 likelihood levels for transaction inclusion.
  • Build custom RPC methods that encapsulate unique dapp logic via Node Extensions.
  • Request multi-region support and region-specific setup.

Try it Now: Get started with Node RPC