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Integration with your workflow

Integrate Tenderly at any development or production stage to build and scale fast, secure, and reliable dapps and protocols.


Efficiently build and test smart contracts with tools that integrate seamlessly and improve your team's development workflows.

  • Hardhat & Foundry: Seamless integration for contract verification in private or public mode.
  • CI/CD pipelines: Incorporate Virtual TestNets and deploy contracts and off-chain components within your CI/CD pipelines for efficient development and testing.
  • Unlimited Faucet: Enable backend, UI, and data engineers to easily access high volumes of native and ERC-20 tokens.
  • Viem/Ethers/Web3.js/ Use your favorite client library for chain interactions.
  • React UI Libraries: Connect React UI libraries and wallet providers seamlessly.
  • SDK & CLI: Login and integrate Tenderly features directly into your development workflow.

Transaction execution prediction

Provide users with accurate predictions and insights to enhance user experience, prevent costly mistakes, and avoid potential security risks.

  • Simulation RPC: Integrate Simulation RPC to inform users about transaction outcomes before they sign and send them to the chain.
  • Token transfers: Use simulation predictions with varying inputs and other strategies to optimize token transfers.
  • Gas Estimations: Get 100% correct gas estimations for optimizing gas spending.
  • Bundle Simulations and Bundle Gas Predictions: Predict the execution of interconnected, bundled simulations for further optimizations.


Create a reliable staging environment that mirrors mainnet conditions for thorough testing and collaborative development.

  • Virtual TestNet API: Use the API to create and manage Virtual TestNets within your Continuous Integration setup.
  • Github Actions: Integrate with Github Actions workflows to use Virtual TestNets as contract deployment and staging infrastructure.
  • Public Block Explorer: Expose public explorer to testers while controlling the visibility of your contracts' interfaces and source code.
  • Assets for testing: Provide any amount of assets for testing using an unlimited faucet for native and ERC-20 tokens, available via RPC methods on Virtual TestNets.

Protocol upgrading

Bullet-proof upgrades by testing post-update behavior before deployment, whether it's a proxy upgrade, multisig transaction execution, or any other form of protocol upgrade.

  • Multisig transactions: Dissect multisig transactions on a Virtual TestNet, by approving and executing queued transactions.
  • DAO proposals: Validate DAO proposals in a realistic environment by staging on an isolated Virtual TestNet synced with mainnet data.
  • Protocol updates: Validate protocol updates by staging them on a Virtual TestNet, using Simulator UI and Debugger to execute and analyze transactions in a safe environment.
  • Proxy upgrades: Perform security checks of proxy contract upgrades using Virtual TestNets, Simulator UI, and Debugger.

Monitoring & security operations

Monitor on-chain activities and respond to security threats in real time to safeguard your dapps and protocols.

  • Wallets: Monitor a set of wallets to get alerts when funds are getting low or unexpected transfers are taking place.
  • Contract access: Monitor who accesses your contracts and functions to avoid tampering.
  • Protocol state changes: Monitor the changes of specific storage slots or view function values.
  • Invariant monitoring: Build runtime invariant checkers for your complete architecture.
  • Pausing protocols: Pause protocols when you detect suspicious activity using monitoring rules you set in place.

Chain operations

Optimize your blockchain interactions and maintain smooth operations with reliable infrastructure and automated tasks.